Dalian ShiDao Marine Fitting Co., Ltd.Notice Convening an Interim Shareholders’Meeting
各位股东:(To all shareholders,)
兹定于2019年3月12日召开大连矢岛机械有限公司(以下简称“公司”)临时股东会会议(以下简称“会议”)。现将有关事项通知如下:(Notice is hereby given that an interim shareholders’meeting(the “Meeting”) of Dalian ShiDao Marine Fitting Co., Ltd.(the “Company”) will be held on Mar. 12th 2019. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:)
一、会议召开时间:2019-3-12下午13:30(Time of the Meeting: 2019-3-12 at 13:30)
二、会议召开地点:中国大连矢岛机械有限公司会议室(Place of the Meeting: Conference room of DaLian ShiDao Marine Fitting Co., Ltd., Dalian City, PRC)
三、会议待议事项:(Matters to be Reviewed at the Meeting: )
1.关于延长公司经营期限的事项;(Matters relating to the extension of the business term of the Company;)
2.关于修改公司章程的事项。(Matters relating to the amendment of the articles of association of the Company.)
四、会务联系方式:(Contact Details of the Meeting: )
联系地址:中国辽宁省大连市经济技术开发区大地街10号(Address: No.10 DaDi Street DaLian Economic & Technological Development Zone, DaLian City, LiaoNing Province, China);邮政编码:116600(Postal Code: 116600)
联系人:孙炜东(Contact: Sunny Sun);电 话:13390067611(Telephone: 13390067611);电子邮件:sunny.sun@shidaomarine.com(Email: sunny.sun@shidaomarine.com)
特此通知。(Yours faithfully, )
Dalian ShiDao Marine Fitting Co., Ltd.